The award-winning MakeABridge structure is designed and built by MAADI Group, Inc., Boucherville, Québec. The seven footbridge gangways have been installed in phases including a 13.7-meter-long (45-foot-long) main access gangway entrance and loading ramp, four pedestrian entry walkways that are 3.7 x 1.2 meters each (12’ x 4’), a 6.1-meter-long (20’) walkway accessing the spa’s garden, and the seventh newly-installed 7.6-meter-long (25’) footbridge that forms an exclusive access walkway to the Spa’s new outdoor hot tub deck.
The seventh MakeABridge installation features aluminum floor decking that is enhanced with IPE hardwood treads for added grip every .38 meters (1.25’), and a 1.5-meter-long (5’) transition plate. The Émonds expanded Spa access with multiple MakeABridge structures due to their initial success with the MAB entry gangway when the spa first opened. The ultra-functional modular bridge system uses lightweight and 100% recyclable natural mill-finish aluminum, which achieves spectacular color enhancement at night via the built-in lighting. Bridge design and production in Québec close to the site make MAB ideal for the Spa entrances and walkways used daily by Clients and Staff.
According to Bota Bota Spa owner Geneviève Émond, the floating spa’s avant-garde exterior design and footbridge infrastructure harmonize well with each other: “We like the MakeABridge product’s design. Weight control was a major factor for our walkways and access gangways, and because MakeABridge is made of aluminum, it was a most interesting option for us.”
Aluminum gangways enhance the Émond’s commitment to a sustainable environment. The Spa uses geothermal energy and sources low-energy consumption equipment throughout its operations. In seeking out recyclable and natural materials, aluminum footbridges were the ideal choice for Spa access. The Bota Bota Spa’s seven aluminum MakeABridge structures are maintenance-free and corrosion-free. At the end of their long life, each gangway will be 100% recyclable and reusable.
MakeABridge walkways are manufactured using automated, precision production equipment at MAADI Group’s new facilities in Boucherville, Québec. MAADI Group Professional Engineers and production crew custom design, manufacture, package, and quick-ship each MakeABridge module from the 6,000 square-foot facility, working with trusted local suppliers and partners. MakeABridge modular units were assembled on site at Bota Bota Spa by a few workers, without specialized tools or training.
Each footbridge installation has expanded access to the Spa’s many amenities: “We are very pleased that the Émonds have chosen to use seven MakeABridge walkways at the Bota Bota Spa. The MakeABridge design has a modern look that is well-suited to the Spa’s luxury image,” said Alexandre de la Chevrotière, P.Eng., President and CEO of MAADI Group, Inc., “We are excited to launch the MAB manufacturing and production capabilities that make us a true turnkey operation. We are very proud to be making our premier product in Québec for high-profile destinations like the Bota Bota Spa sur l’eau!”