March 07, 2013 — MONTREAL, CANADA – The MAADI Group engineering firm, Montréal, Québec, is co-sponsoring the 12th International Aluminium Conference (INALCO 2013) during the first Canadian International Aluminium Conference (CIAC) flagship event, the week of October 21-25 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The CIAC and INALCO 2013 are featured in the February issue of Light Metal Age (LMA) magazine with comments from Jean Simard, President of the Canadian Aluminium Association (AAC) and Alexandre de la Chevrotière, President of MAADI Group, Inc.
INALCO 2013 co-sponsors include the CIAC, AAC, MAADI Group, ÉTS – Engineering for Industry (Université du Québec Network), CQRDA – The Aluminium Research and Development Centre of Québec, and Regal – Regroupment Aluminium, the Aluminium Research Centre. The CIAC and INALCO are joined by companion conferences AluSolutions 2013, Recyc-Québec, Mission Design, and the Ordre des urbanistes du Québec, to establish a premier week of aluminum conferences in North America.
In the LMA article, MAADI Group’s de la Chevrotière, a member of the INALCO 2013 Organizing Committee, notes the INALCO 2013 theme, “Bringing innovative ideas to the world of tomorrow,” and he cites the purpose of the INALCO 2013 conference, to direct the aluminum industry’s future and product potential by gathering international experts in aluminum research, development and design under one roof in Montréal.
“I am excited to be involved in organizing INALCO 2013, and to have the conference highlighted in such a prestigious international trade publication as Light Metal Age. As an engineer, I believe it is essential to structural design to always be learning about new technologies, expanding our alloy, process and manufacturing knowledge, and sharing ideas that will advance aluminum innovations. MAADI Group designs structural products in aluminum, and I believe this conference series will provide inspiration to all those who design with aluminum not just in civil engineering, but in building and construction, aerospace, automotive, and transportation products. Innovation often comes out of collaboration. This conference series offers such opportunities, and we at MAADI Group want to engage fully with the international aluminum industry.”
INALCO 2013 will be attended by international aluminum industry executives, researchers, OEMs, business professionals, and end users of aluminum. In addition to the week-long aluminum industry conference schedule, the CIAC flagship events include aluminum-related workshops, plant tours, an exhibition, and Regal Students’ Day.
Also in the February issue of Light Metal Age, MAADI Group’s installation of twin aluminum pedestrian service bridges at Rio Tinto Alcan’s smelting facility in Jonquière, Québec, Canada is described in the “Primary Aluminum News” section of the magazine. MAADI Group designs structural aluminum products including pedestrian and light vehicle bridges and marine structures for commercial, industrial and institutional projects for civil (infrastructure), transportation (marine and aerospace), and oil industry applications. MAADI Group engineers focus on the structural and economic advantages of designing with aluminum, creating aluminum bridges and marine structures that are strong, durable and offer a maintenance-free lifespan.