MAADI Group Blainville Bridge Article Featured on Aluminum Extruders Council Website

May 14, 2013

Custom pedestrian bridge with hardwood decking over pond in Quebec, Canada

May 14, 2013—MONTREAL, CANADA – The MAADI Group Inc. engineering firm, Montréal, Québec, has its extruded aluminum pony-truss footbridge featured in an applications article on the Aluminum Extruders Council’s (AEC) website. The MAADI Group’s strong, yet lightweight pedestrian bridge design serves as an equestrian park bridge in Blainville, Québec, for use by riders and their horses.

The AEC has chosen this structural application of aluminum extrusions as one of three rotating feature articles on its website home page to illustrate the most innovative uses of extruded aluminum for such industries as transportation and building and construction. The Blainville equestrian park bridge construction details are discussed in the web article, and include photos of the bridge and a link to the video showing the bridge installation. MAADI Group’s pedestrian bridges are also shown in the AEC Aluminum Extrusion Manual and 2012 Buyers’ Guide. The Blainville equestrian bridge is constructed with maintenance-free aluminum extrusions for its truss structure framework, side kickplates, midrails, and guardrails, and was custom-built, pre-assembled and installed quickly.

“We are excited to have our Blainville equestrian bridge included as one of AEC’s featured applications on their website’s home page,” said Alex dela Chevrotière, P.E., President and CEO of MAADI Group, “AEC is the North American trade association for the aluminum extrusion industry, and has an international membership. We are honored to have this opportunity to represent what we believe to be the best in structural aluminum extrusion applications on the AEC website and we thank the Aluminum Extruders Council for their continuous efforts to promote design innovation with aluminum extrusions. We strive to create a customized look and function for each pedestrian bridge and marine structure that we design, build and install for our clients.”


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